For clients

Revisits:  ‘Making it Happen’ appointments 

Revisit with your Behaviour Consultant: These can be booked online and generally take place in person and at the RSPCA, Burwood. If recommended by your Behaviour Consultant a house call may be arranged. Alternatively, you may wish to book a video consultation.  

Revisit with your Good Pet Behaviour Veterinarian: These can be booked online and may be conducted in person at the RSPCA, Burwood, or via video. Please note that we need to see your pet in person every 6 months in order to continue to refill your behaviour medications.  

Please complete and submit the Veterinary Revisit form at least 24 hours before your scheduled ‘Making it Happen’ consultation with your Good Pet Behaviour veterinarian.

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Medication Refills:  

We need to see your pet in person every 6 months in order to continue to prescribe behaviour medications. We do this to ensure that the medications are effective and being administered at an optimal dose, and that your pet is in good health to continue receiving behaviour medications. 

When requesting a refill between appointments you will need to complete and submit a ‘Medication Refill Request’ form.

This form:

  • Provides us with an update on your pet’s weight, which can affect the recommended dose of medication 
  • Ensures you are giving the correct medication, at the correct dose
  • Helps identify beneficial or adverse effects of the medication 

 Please allow three business days for Good Pet Veterinarians to approve medication refills. If you are requesting a prescription that we/you send to your pharmacy, you will need to factor in potentially another five business days to receive the medication. 

Request medication


If your pet has a medical emergency, please take them immediately to your general practice veterinarian or to the closest animal emergency clinic. 

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