One day only to help find homes for vulnerable animals

Published on 4 October 2022

For one day only on Thursday 6 October, Australians can help RSPCA find loving homes for as many vulnerable, homeless animals as possible during RSPCA’s Give to Get Them Home appeal when every donation received will be doubled by generous partners with all funds going toward caring for and protecting animals.

Last year RSPCA received over 71,346 reports of animal cruelty around Australia so with thanks to the donation matching partners Royal Canin, Elanco, Peter Alexander, Catmate, igroomhub, BIVCORP, ergoPouch, Hush Puppies, KCL Law and generous individuals, RSPCA across the country will unite for the one-day event, creating an incredible opportunity for animal lovers to have a large-scale impact on the 123,000 plus animals the shelters care for each year.

The doubling of donations means that generosity will be twice as valuable making it a great day to give to support animals in need.  All funds raised will go toward helping victims of animal cruelty and abandonment receive the care and rehabilitation they need and will see them in forever homes as quickly as possible.

First launched in Victoria in 2018, Give to Get Them Home drew unprecedented public support, raising $618,000 dollars in one day that first year. Now held nationally, Give to Get Them Home forms part of RSPCA’s annual fundraising calendar.

RSPCA Victoria CEO Dr Liz Walker said Give to Get Them Home is now one of RSPCA’s most important fundraisers as it encourages people to act at a time of year when community support is most needed and unites Australia’s community of animal lovers with a common goal.

“Last year RSPCA Victoria Inspectors drove 1,205,834 kilometres in relation to cruelty reports and more than 14,400 animals came through our doors in the last 12 months, equating to almost 40 animals every single day.

“The sheer volume of animals needing help can feel overwhelming, however money raised during Give to Get Them Home empowers the public and helps us do important work and make a significant impact on the lives of vulnerable animals.

“RSPCA across the country relies on community donations to help it care for many of the most vulnerable animals in Australia.  If you’ve ever thought about donating to RSPCA now’s the time to do it,” said Dr Walker.

RSPCA Victoria is aware that the rising cost of living may impede the ability of some pet owners to care for their pets and fundraising efforts such as Give To Get Them Home will help prepare to care for the thousands of animals that need care in the coming months.

On average it costs the RSPCA $1,000 to rescue, care for and find an animal a home. Money raised will go directly to help homeless, neglected and abused animals in the community, and support RSPCA’s animal welfare advocacy and education work.

To support RSPCA Victoria and other states care for animals, donate via or call 03 9224 2538.


When Inspector Jeremy found Rosie the Boxer, she was weak with hunger. Her owners had left her to starve, tied up in an open yard with no shelter. She was just skin and bones except for her big pregnant belly and the puppies were due any minute now.

Inspector Jeremy gave Rosie’s owner a ‘Notice to Comply’ with seven days to take her to a vet, get her some shelter, and feed her properly. However, when he came back a week later, things were even worse. He needed to act fast to save Rosie and her unborn puppies. Rosie was in such fragile condition that she couldn’t make it to the RSPCA shelter four hours away. Instead, Inspector Jeremy took her to a local vet for emergency treatment overnight.

When Jeremy returned to check on her the next morning, Rosie was a proud mum to eight gorgeous puppies. “I think she was waiting to be somewhere safe before she had her pups. I’m so thankful we got her out of there when we did,” Inspector Jeremy said.

In the last year, RSPCA Inspectors have had to rescue 38% more animals than in the previous year. We can only respond to this increase in neglect and cruelty thanks to your support.

To read more about Rosie’s story (and see picture of her gorgeous puppies) or to make a donation could turn the life of an animal like Rosie around.

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