Five step emergency plan for your pets if you get coronavirus

Published on 12 February 2022

Most Australians who contract coronavirus will have mild flu-like symptoms, however roughly 20% of cases are predicted to be severe to critical. If you’re a pet owner living by yourself, we highly recommend creating an emergency plan for your furry friend if you fall ill and require hospitalisation.

It is far better to ensure your pet will be safe than being caught out and worrying about their welfare instead of focusing on your own health. So, whether you are young or old, here are five steps you should follow to create an emergency plan for your pets – just in case!

1.Prepare your supplies

Organise at least one month’s supply of the following:

  • Pet food – if you are having issues finding pet food at your local supermarket, we have plenty of stock in supply in our online store.
  • Medication and scripts – including instructions on dosages and how often to give the medication.

2. Have a discussion with friends and family

If you live alone, reach out to your networks to decide who will look after your pet if you fall ill. Preferably, chose someone who has experience caring for animals. This will give you peace of mind that your pet is in the best possible care while you are away.

If you do not have anyone who can capably care for your animals, investigate local boarding facilities in your area or pet sitters. However, these options may be more limited during this time.

3. Create a contact list

Make sure you have a contact list for whoever is looking after your pet. This should include:

  • Veterinarian
  • Insurance company (if relevant)
  • Anyone else who may be relevant to your pet’s care, such as the groomer

4. Vaccinations and microchip

Check in with your vet to ensure your pet’s vaccinations are up to date. This is essential in case your pet needs to go into another home or boarding facility.

It is also worth ensuring your pet’s microchip details are current. You also have the option to update their microchip with emergency contact details in case your pet goes missing while you are away.

The easiest way to change your contact details is to search Pet Address using your pet’s microchip number.

5. Sort out transport methods

Ensure you have the appropriate carriers/crates available for your animals in case they need to be transported.

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