Senior Preventative Care

Your consultation includes a comprehensive diagnostic health panel, so our expert vets can provide you with a detailed analysis of your pet’s overall health and well-being.

By assessing your pet’s internal health through our diagnostic panel, we can proactively identify and detect diseases at an earlier stage.

Not yet a senior pet owner?

All life stages are welcome! Our goal at RSPCA Victoria’s vet clinic is to help all animals reach their senior years as healthy as they can be.

Secure your spot now – conveniently book online below or give us a call today!

For your appointment, please bring:

  1. Your pet
  2. A fresh stool sample for the testing (any container will do!)
  3. Any concerns you have regarding your pet’s health
  4. Optional – if you’d like to bring along a fresh urine sample, we’ll test that for only $20

Call now or book online

We’re here to make sure good animal care is easy to access. If there is a particular service you’re looking for, or you have any questions, please give our friendly team a call on 9224 2222.

We love talking about animals and would be happy to assist!

Book online

Terms & Conditions

*Offer only valid until 30 September 2023. Standard testing includes blood and faecal testing. Urine testing can be added for an additional $20. Fresh urine and faeces only. Please store in fridge prior to consultation. Don’t have a container? Contact our clinic and we’ll provide one that you can return filled within 48 hours to include in testing.