Primary school students put pen to paper for animal welfare

Published on 17 August 2022

RSPCA writing competition Pawesome Stories back by popular demand

Children’s author Cameron Macintosh is returning as a special guest judge for the third annual Pawsome Stories, an RSPCA Victoria writing competition that invites Victorian children in grades three – six to put their writing skills to the test in the name of improving animal welfare.

This year, the competition will run from 17th August to 2nd October and participants can choose to write either a fictional story about ‘the day I found out my pet has superpowers’, or a non-fiction essay about ‘how pets were important during the COVID-19 lockdowns.’

Cameron, author of the Max Booth Future Sleuth series, said he has been impressed with the quality of writing he has seen from young Victorian’s who entered the competition in previous years.
“I am very excited to be back for the third year of Pawsome Stories and to see what our writers come up with this year! The writing each year is so impressive, and I really enjoy reading how children convey their connection to animals in creative ways. Best of luck to all of the budding writers out there – I can’t wait to read your work!”

RSPCA Victoria CEO Dr Liz Walker said that the organisation hopes the competition will foster a connection with younger generations resulting in their support of RSPCA’s goal to end cruelty to all animals in the years to come.

“We know that kids keep it real, and it’s been fantastic to see a genuine love of animals in our participants over the past couple of years,” Dr Walker said.

“We hope that Pawsome Stories sparks an interest in animal welfare that will benefit both the child and the adult they grow to be, ultimately creating a kinder future for animals.”

Young writers can join the competition by submitting their entry to before 2nd October, with winners and runners-up to be decided by RSPCA CEO Dr Liz Walker and special guest judges, including Cameron Macintosh.

All participants will be invited to attend an awards ceremony at the RSPCA barn in Burwood, with prizes up for grabs including a trophy, Dymocks voucher and a visit to the RSPCA barn for the winning children’s whole class. Runners up will receive a Dymocks voucher and an Adoptables plush toy.

For more information visit:

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