New RSPCA Victoria strategy to prevent animal cruelty

Published on 23 July 2024

RSPCA Victoria has launched its 2030 Strategy and – as pet owners across the state struggle with the cost-of-living crisis – it’s geared toward preventing animal cruelty and neglect before it happens.

RSPCA Victoria CEO Dr Liz Walker said after 153 years providing shelter and rehabilitation for the state’s most vulnerable animals, it’s time to increase the focus on community outreach and prevention.

“It’s far better to prevent an animal suffering than to simply treat it when it arrives in our care, and that’s what our 2030 Strategy focuses on,” Dr Walker said.

“Caring for animals will always be a part of the work RSPCA Victoria does, particularly caring for the very vulnerable, complex animals that come in through our Inspectorate.

“However, many cruelty cases we see aren’t necessarily malicious cruelty, but rather neglect because people’s circumstances change beyond their control, or people simply don’t know what their pet needs.

“We know people right across the state are struggling, particularly with the cost-of-living crisis, and when people are experiencing vulnerability or disadvantage their animals are also affected.

“We’ll focus more heavily on early intervention by offering more support to those most at risk, people fleeing family violence, people experiencing homelessness and people who our Inspectors believe could care better for their animals with a bit of help.

“Animals make our lives better and where it’s safe, the best outcome is to keep people and their pets together.”

This prevention work will be driven through animal care courses by RSPCA Victoria’s Education team, and Community Outreach initiatives such as low-cost vaccination pop up clinics, means-tested healthy pet clinics, the introduction of pet food banks, a free pet behaviour helpline and more.

RSPCA Victoria also aims to be Victoria’s leading voice for all animals through its advocacy to government and animal organisations to achieve better welfare for animals used in agriculture, sport and recreation, companion animals and wildlife.

To see the full 2030 Strategy visit and to support RSPCA Victoria’s work please visit:

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