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Vaccinating your dog
Vaccinating your dog

Vaccinating your dog Vaccinating your dog is one the most important things you can do for their health and wellbeing. As a pet owner, it is your responsibility to know…

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Vaccinating your pet
Vaccinating your pet

Vaccinating your pet We love our pets and would do anything to keep them safe, happy and healthy. Vaccinating your pet is one of the simplest and most effective ways…

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Boredom in dogs
Boredom in dogs

Boredom in dogs While we’re at work, school or out and about, our dogs are often at home alone for many hours. Without proper preparation, dogs become bored. This can…

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Scratching Scratching is a perfectly normal behaviour exhibited by cats. The primary reasons for scratching are to mark territory and remove the worn-out layer of the claw to keep it…

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Aggressive behaviour
Aggressive behaviour

Aggressive behaviour Aggressive behaviour directed towards another cat or owner is a common behavioural issue reported to the RSPCA. There are many different types of aggression that cats show and…

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Pets during fireworks or storms
Pets during fireworks or storms

Pets during fireworks or storms Pets and fireworks can be difficult to manage, and thunderstorm anxiety is one of the most prevalent phobias in animals. Dogs and horses often run…

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Tips for managing behavioural problems
Tips for managing behavioural problems

Tips for managing behavioural problems Most pets will, at some point exhibit problem behaviour. The tips below can help you manage and resolve issues as quickly as possible. Visit your…

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Possessive of toys and food
Possessive of toys and food

Possessive of toys and food It is quite normal for dogs to be protective over things they see as a valued resource, such as food, bones and other people. Often,…

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Play biting and mouthing
Play biting and mouthing

Play biting and mouthing If you’ve ever spent time with a puppy, chances are you’ve ended up with your hand, arm or foot in their mouth! This behaviour is described…

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Puppy toilet training
Puppy toilet training

Puppy toilet training Toilet training your puppy can be easy and stress free. To begin, set up the following: A puppy-proof outdoor yard with space for toileting, play and sleep…

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7 reasons why dog toys are so important
7 reasons why dog toys are so important

7 reasons why dog toys are so important We all know that our pooches love playing with toys, but did you know all the benefits they have on your dogs…

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7 enrichment ideas for your cat
7 enrichment ideas for your cat

7 enrichment ideas for your cat Who doesn't love spending some quality downtime with their cat? Maybe watching tv, reading a book or just watching the world go by. But…

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