For veterinarians and trainers page

Need some help?  

Good Pet Behaviour at RSPCA Victoria offers a behavioural referral service for veterinarians and trainers.  


The best pathway through Good Pet Behaviour services is to start with a ‘First Steps’ appointment with one of our Behaviour Consultants – Jade Currie or Liam Deans-Pope. They will collect a detailed behavioural history, observe and assess the animal’s behaviour and develop a training and behaviour modification plan. They will talk to the owners about why their pet is behaving the way it does, introduce some management strategies and get them started on taking the ‘first steps’ to behavioural change. They will also triage to one of our veterinarians as required.  

If you have already started treating your patient, especially if medications have been prescribed, then we recommend a ‘First Steps’ consultation with one of our veterinarians. In addition to offering the above services provided by in a Behaviour Consultant appointment, they will be able to diagnose mental health problems, consider medical contributions to the behaviour and recommend appropriate medication regimes. In most cases the client will continue to work with their Behaviour Consultant to help implement the treatment plan and develop their behaviour modification skills, revisiting the veterinarian from time to time to assess progress, monitor medications and recommend changes to the treatment plan.  

No matter whether your client sees our Behaviour Consultants or our Veterinarians you will receive a detailed report providing an understanding of the behaviour problems and outlining the treatment plan, including medication recommendations. Our team approach to finding solutions to behavioural problems means we have experts in behaviour modification, working alongside veterinarians skilled in mental health management, so we’ve got it all covered.  

Once the pet has been stabilized on medications and is making good progress with behaviour modification the case will be referred back to you for on-going medication management 

To refer,  

  1. please ask your client to book a ‘First Steps’ consultation with Jade or Liam, or if you have already commenced treatment then book a ‘First Steps’ consultation with one of our veterinarians.  
  2. Email the patient’s history to with the title REFFERAL ‘CLIENTS SURNAME’, ‘PET’S NAME’ 


 The best pathway through Good Pet Behaviour services is to start with a ‘First Steps’ appointment with one of our Behaviour Consultants – Jade Currie or Liam Deans-Pope. They will collect a detailed behavioural history, observe and assess the animal’s behaviour and develop a training and behaviour modification plan. They will talk to the owners about why their pet is behaving the way it does, introduce some management strategies and get them started on taking the ‘first steps’ to behavioural change. They will also triage to one of our veterinarians as required.  

If you have already fully assessed the pet and believe that there is likely to be a mental health issue, medical condition(s) affecting behaviour, or would like the animal assessed with consideration of using behavioural medications then we recommend a ‘First Steps’ consultation with one of our veterinarians. In addition to offering the above services provided in a Behaviour Consultant appointment, they will be able to diagnose mental health problems, consider medical contributions to the behaviour and recommend appropriate medication regimes. Once a treatment plan is established the client will be referred back to you, to assist them in putting the behaviour modification and training strategy into action. If you prefer that the client continues to work with Jade or Liam, just let us know.  

No matter whether your client sees our Behaviour Consultants or our Veterinarians you will receive a detailed report providing an understanding of the behaviour problems and outlining the treatment plan, including medication recommendations. Our team approach to finding solutions to behavioural problems means we have experts in behaviour modification, working alongside veterinarians skilled in mental health management, so we’ve got it all covered.  

To refer,  

  1. please ask your client to book a ‘First Steps’ consultation with Jade or Liam, or if you have already fully assessed the pet, then book a ‘First Steps’ consultation with one of our veterinarians.  
  2. Email the patient’s history to with the title REFFERAL ‘CLIENTS SURNAME’, ‘PET’S NAME’