Political parties across the spectrum back animal welfare ahead of state election

Published on 27 October 2022

RSPCA releases animal welfare election scorecard for voters today.

With less than a month until the 2022 state election, RSPCA Victoria has released its animal welfare scorecard to show voters where the major parties stand on five key reforms.

CEO Dr Liz Walker said while the RSPCA is politically impartial, the scorecard helps voters see which parties endorse each of the five big ticket reforms the charity wants the incoming government to implement:

1.     Minimum, mandatory animal welfare standards for racehorses

2.     A reduction to the current animal shelter quarantine period

3.     The development of a holistic cat management plan

4.     Mandatory video surveillance in abattoirs and knackeries

5.     The replacement of the current Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act (1986) with completely new, contemporary animal welfare legislation

To date, both the Coalition and Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party have pledged in principle to support all five of RSPCA Victoria’s election priorities, while the Animal Justice Party and the Victorian Greens have both endorsed four out of the five priorities. In addition, the Victorian Greens would support reducing the shelter quarantine period if it were to go down to five days (instead of the three currently proposed by RSPCA Victoria). The organisation is still awaiting Labor’s response to the priorities but hopes to receive it in coming days.

“We know that as many as 42% (two in five) of Victorians are influenced by political parties’ animal welfare policies, so we hope voters will find this new scorecard informative,” said Dr Liz Walker, CEO of RSPCA Victoria.

“Whichever party is elected on 26 November, we will continue our advocacy to ensure they follow through with their pre-election commitments to implement these important animal welfare reforms in Victoria,” said Dr Walker.

How Victorians can help:

There is still time for Victorians to learn more and show their support by visiting https://rspcavic.org/become-an-rspca-animal-advocate/ and providing their name and postcode. Every name added will help to put animal welfare on the political agenda both before election day, and afterwards when we will present elected MPs with the number of signups in their electorate.

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