Hot Days, Cool Pets

How to have a pet-safe summer

“Hot Days, Cool Pets” is your go-to guide for ensuring our furry companions stay safe and happy during the sizzling summer months.  

As the temperature rises, it’s crucial to prioritise the well-being of our beloved pets. Summer brings its own set of challenges, from scorching pavements to sudden thunderstorms. Follow these essential tips to make this summer a cool and comfortable one for your pets.

Beat the heat: preventing heat stroke 

  • Ensure access to fresh water at all times. 
  • Limit outdoor activities during peak heat hours. 
  • Provide shaded, well-ventilated shelter away from the heat. 
  • Recognise signs of heat stroke: excessive panting, lethargy, vomiting. 
  • Be extra cautious with pets at greater risk, including those who are older and overweight or breeds with thick coats or flat faces. 

Read: Keeping pets cool

Hot Cars: A Deadly Trap 

  • Never leave your pet in a parked car, even with windows cracked – it takes minutes for a dog to die in a hot car. 
  • If you see a pet in distress in a hot car, call 000. 
  • Carry water and a portable water bowl during car trips. 
  • Use sunshades and keep the air conditioning on when driving.

Read: Animals in hot vehicles

Protecting Paw Pads: Walking on Hot Pavement 

  • When the weather is hot walk your dog early in the day before the temperature and ground heats up.
  • Test pavement temperature with the back of your hand. 
  • Consider booties for extra protection.

Read: Protecting dogs from heatstroke

Thunderstorms: Easing Anxiety 

  • Create a safe space indoors during storms. 
  • Use calming products like anxiety wraps or pheromone diffusers. 
  • Consult your vet about anxiety medications if needed. 

Read: Pets during fireworks or storms

Tick Prevention: Guarding Against Tiny Threats 

  • Use vet-recommended tick prevention products. 
  • Check your pet for ticks after outdoor activities. 
  • Maintain a tick-free yard by keeping grass short and removing debris. 

Read: Flea and tick prevention

Snake Bite Prevention: Navigating Wildlife Encounters 

  • Be cautious in areas known for snakes. 
  • Keep your pet on a leash and stick to well-trodden paths. 
  • Learn about venomous snakes in your region and their habitats. 
  • If your pet is bitten, take them to a vet immediately. 

Read: Pets and snakes

Skin Cancer Prevention: Shielding Your Pet from Harmful Rays 

  • Limit sun exposure during peak hours. 
  • Apply pet-safe sunscreen to vulnerable areas (nose, ears, belly). 
  • Regularly check for unusual lumps or changes in your pet’s skin. 

Buy: Sunblock for animals

Stock Up on Livestock Feed: Be Prepared in Case of Drought 

  • Evaluate your current feed supply duration. 
  • Explore drought-resistant feed options or consider alternatives that are resilient to water scarcity. 
  • Secure a dependable feed supplier with emergency procedures. 
  • Implement conservation measures for a stable water supply. 
  • Have a plan for extended drought periods, monitoring predictions. 

Read: Caring for horses in hot weather

By following these tips, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable summer for your pets. Remember, a little extra care goes a long way in keeping our furry friends happy and healthy during the warmer months.  

If you have any concerns about your pet’s well-being, consult your veterinarian for personalised advice. 

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