Support Special Projects

Support a special project or area you’re passionate about.

The breadth of our work for animals is enormous and only possible through the kindness of our community. While the immediate needs of animals in crisis is the daily focus of our Inspectorate and Operations team; our Prevention, Advocacy, Education and Community Outreach teams are influencing government policy and educating the community to help solve issues at their source.

With a gift of $5,000 or more, you can choose to direct your investment and impact towards a special project or area of our work close to your heart.

However you choose to support, your support helps us work towards a world where all animals are valued, cared for and loved.

How we can work together to end cruelty to animals

We understand that giving is incredibly personal. We’ll listen closely to understand your motivations and help direct your donation towards an area of our work you feel most passionate about, whether you want to invest in revolutionising animal welfare, purchasing critical veterinary equipment or providing daily care for animals in need.

Get in contact

For more information on how you can make a difference to animals, have a no-obligation chat with Sophie Brennan on 03 9224 2554, send a text to 0428 609 995 or email

Just a few ways you can invest in changing the lives of animals:

  • Support special projects that focus on proactive intervention and prevention strategies; the area we know can make the most profound and lasting impact for animals. Our community outreach programs and prevention projects aim to reduce the number of animals entering shelters and ensure fewer animals suffer from preventable illness or neglect.
  • As the only animal rescue in Victoria with Inspectors, our veterinary team sees some of the most severe and heartbreaking cases. You can contribute to our ‘Above & Beyond’ Fund for animals who require significant veterinary surgeries or complex treatment or help us to purchase life-saving equipment like x-ray and ultrasound machines.
  • Sponsor a group of education animals in our barn and help young people to develop empathy and compassion for all living creatures. Our vision to end cruelty to animals can only be achieved by educating our community, sharing a love for animals and encouraging the innate empathy of children that will shape our future.
  • Directly support our Inspectorate to rescue animals from cruelty as well as our Major Investigations Team to investigate illegal breeders who only care about profit.
  • Leave a lasting legacy for thousands of rescue animals by contributing to capital works, such as upgrades to shelters and clinics.
  • Sponsor an adoption pen to help care for cats and dogs while they wait for their second chance in a loving home.
  • Double your impact and inspire other animal-lovers by becoming a Leading Matcher for our double-donation giving day.

We will happily share other special projects that correspond with your desired impact or help you direct your support to an area that aligns with your passions. To find out more, please contact our team.

To bring you closer to your impact, all donors who contribute to significant projects receive:

  • a dedicated member of the team as a personal point of contact who will ensure your experience is fulfilling and delivers your desired impact for animals.
  • regular updates on the impact of your giving, through your preferred form of media
  • recognition opportunities to celebrate your amazing contribution to animal welfare
  • special opportunities to visit our Animal Care Centres and to meet our team (and the animals, of course!)
  • exclusive invitations to special events, where you can learn from our experts and meet like-minded animal lovers.

We consider our donors as our partners in our mission of ending cruelty to animals. We always welcome your input, your expertise and exploring how we might utilize your networks, should you be passionate about sharing our cause with those around you.

You can be part of something incredibly special in transforming the lives of animals.

When you make a generous gift of $5,000 or more, you can choose to direct it towards supporting an ongoing service or special project of your choice. Donations can be one-off or planned over a series of pledged gifts throughout the year.

For more information on making a big impact for animals, have a no-obligation chat with Special Relationships & Projects Coordinator, Sophie Brennan, by calling 03 9224 2554, sending a text to 0428 609 995 or emailing