Is your pet safe this summer?

RSPCA Victoria receives over 10,000 animal cruelty reports every year, with reports spiking in summer as animals face a variety of welfare challenges that can be exacerbated by the warmer weather. We know we’re a nation of animal lovers, but sometimes navigating all the information out there can seem like a bit of a minefield. This summer, we’re asking animal owners to look after their pets in three key ways:

– Never leave your dog in a hot car

– Make sure your pet always has access to water and shade

– Make plans for your pet if you are going away, and let your neighbour know they’re being looked after

These three simple steps can improve the welfare of pets across the state, as well as reducing the chances there will be an Inspector knocking at your door during the holiday season.

Learn more about each key welfare issue below, and check out all our other resources to help you look after animals this summer – their lives could quite literally depend on it.   

Summer can be a wonderful opportunity to spend more time with our pets, but it’s important to be prepared for hot weather and other summer-related challenges. Don’t forget, it’s not only our companion animals that need our help – livestock and even wildlife can require additional care in the heat. Check out the information and tips below to ensure we are all looking after our animals and taking care of their needs.

Tips to keep your pets cool

Holidaying with pets

 Caring for your horse in the heat

Heat-stressed wildlife

Planning a safe festive season

 Fireworks and thunderstorms

Emergency planning

Pets and snakes

Pesky parasites