Tip Off Form

Do you have information on organised animal fighting or illegal breeding and selling?

RSPCA Victoria relies on information from the public so that we can investigate cases of potential cruelty. Even if it’s just a suspicion, we want to hear from you.

Please make a report on this tip-off form.

All information disclosed is completely confidential. You are never expected to put yourself at risk to get these details. Your safety always comes first.

Your Progress (Step 1 / -)

    If you believe an animal's life is at immediate risk, please call us now on 9224-2222.

    If you suspect an act of animal cruelty requiring attention please complete our cruelty complaint form.




    (Where/When/How many people/How many animals)



    Gumtree, Trading Post, Facebook or physical address location

    Click 'Add additional link' to include multiple links



    People and Locations

    Please include the person or address you are reporting here

    Do not include whitespaces or area codes.

    Include any details of violence, abuse, firearms, substance abuse or any other illegal activity

    Final Details

    I'm happy to provide my details to RSPCA InspectorsI want to remain Anonymous

    RSPCA Inspectors will not be able to contact you for additional information if we are unable to locate the animal or property.